⸻ Published: 26/06/2023
Tolsma-Grisnich Summer Check 2023
Your storage facility and/or processing line - just like your car, tractor or machine - needs periodic maintenance in order to function without problems. It is even legally required to have your cooling installation inspected annually, for example. Not maintaining the storage place and/or processing line leads to higher costs in the long term. Therefore, have your ventilation, cooling installation, electrical installations, hatches, sorting machine, washers, conveyor belts checked by a recognized party.
Processing line
Now during the summer break there may be a time to check your installations. A recognized party can check your sorting machines, washers, conveyor belts, but there are also many points on which you can carry out a check yourself.
This includes:
· Visible wear marks on the belt frames.
· Check play on the bearings
· Check carrier roller wear
· Check the weld of the rubber belts (for looseness).
Sorting machines
· Wear on the rubbers
· Play in the bearings
· V-belt wear
· Wear bar belts
· Check running wheels
· Check drive belts
Stones, clods, haulm seperator
· Wear bar belts
· Check running wheels
· Check propeller
· Check wearstrips
Storage facility
Mechanical cooling
Because the laws and regulations for mechanical cooling change quite often, it is hardly possible for the individual arable farmer to stay fully informed. When checking your mechanical cooling, the Tolsma-Grisnich specialists check everything according to the latest legal requirements.
Insurer's requirement
Due to the long life of the fans and electrical installations, less attention is paid to their maintenance. Nevertheless, with a view to liability in the event of fire and personal injury, insurers are increasingly asking for periodic independent inspection of electrical installations. Depending on the age of the installation and the buildings, this varies from every 3 to 5 years.
Maintenance contract Tolsma-Grisnich
In both cases, Tolsma-Grisnich offers knowledge and certified customization for the complete maintenance of your storage facility and/or processing line. Do you want even more benefits? Then take out an attractive maintenance contract.
Your Tolsma-Grisnich advisor can inform you about this.