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New logo and corporate identity

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Published: 18/01/2022

New logo and corporate identity

With proud we present you our new logo and corporate identity.

With proud we present you our new logo and corporate identity. A fresh and modern look, where the styles of Tolsma & Grisnich styles are integrated. Our corporate identity has not only been updated, we have also launched a new website. In your own environment you can view your products and company information and even design your own future plans with our storage configurator. Also part of the new website is of course our webshop.


These are the pillars we work on every day: lower energy costs, lower storage losses, better product quality and more efficiency in processing. And no matter how good this efficiency is, there is always room for improvement! For this reason we have added Thinking Ahead to our new corporate identity. Together with our customers, we are constantly trying to look forward in order to constantly improve.

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