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Onion storage

Onion storage

Onion storage offers many advantages and flexibility. Increasingly, the technique of condensation drying is being used. Condensation drying is seen as the drying method for now and the future.

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There are different ways and solutions for onion storage. You can read more about this below. Would you like to know what Tolsma-Grisnich can do for you in the field of onion storage?


The importance of optimum storage conditions

In the Netherlands we only have one onion harvest a year, which makes storage necessary if you want to spread the sales over a large number of months. This applies to white, yellow as well as red onions. With a condensation drying installation, it is possible to dry regardless of the weather, so the (drying) process can continue at all times. With an additional module (depending on the situation), condensation drying can be applied to Tolsma-Grisnich's current indirect refrigeration systems. Another additional advantage of a Tolsma-Grisnich condensation drying system is the possibility of drying both with and without outside air. This advantage can be realised thanks to our Vision Control.


Onion storage using condensation drying

Condensation drying is increasingly used in onion storage. The main advantage of a condensation drying installation is that drying is done continuously with the help of refrigeration. In condensation drying, moist air is drawn through the evaporator and cooled, causing the moisture in the air to condense and be removed. Reheating the cooled air (with the heat released from the cooling process) allows it to absorb moisture again.


Storing onions with the latest techniques

We offer unique systems that can ensure optimal onion storage. That way, you will have the most efficient drying. Our systems are energy-efficient and offer a total solution for onion storage and preserving quality for longer. For questions or more information about our equipment, which features the latest technology, please contact us. We will then be happy to advise or help you personally.