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Tolsma Monitoring Offers Piece of Mind

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Published: 10/04/2022

Tolsma Monitoring Offers Piece of Mind

Tolsma Australia offered its climate control monitoring service in 2022. With significant uptake, clients have benefited from regular consultation with Tolsma storage professionals who provide guidance and training on system settings throughout all storage phases.

How the monitoring service works:

  • Tolsma storage professionals observe online visions, focussing on
  • Control and target temperatures
  • Store CO2 
  • Store humidity
  • System running time and hatch operation
  • Tolsma team members consult with clients on condition of product and make recommendations on settings for increased use of outside air, lower operation time and optimal store environment 
  • Regular email reports on storage environment with clear reasoning and explanation of setting adjustments for improved storing conditions and system operation

The Tolsma office has an alert dashboard, notifying the team of system failures throughout Australia and New Zealand. This elicits prompt failure resets and alert resolution.

Significant planning, hard work and money goes into producing high value product ready for storage. Capitalising on that hard work through improved storage conditions, customers are reaping the monetary rewards of improved product quality and reduced system operation running time resulting from the monitoring service.  

This is an example of a settings change to allow longer cooling cycles, which is better for the longevity of the fans and compressor, along with better storage environment. The arrow indicates when setting changes were made. 

Client feedback:

  • Enjoyed piece of mind, knowing another set of eyes are watching over my store
  • It adds another layer of protection, insurance if you like, for all the hard work that goes into getting my product to market 
  • My level of understanding around system settings has improved significantly 
  • Far fewer alerts
  • Often, alerts are resolved before I even know about them
  • I can always contact someone, and they fix my issue or resolve my query 
  • The quality of my product is better this year
  • Observed less overall system running time leading to reduced energy costs
  • I’m too busy to muck around with settings, it’s one less thing I need to think about if I get Tolsma to do it